I think her favorite book is Alice in Wonderland, she can quote long passages from memory at the drop of a hat, sometimes.
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.'
The ever entertaining
Nevertheless, White said, the city has the right to require SDT to provide the full gamut of services even if it cannot pay the full bid amount.
If the money's not there, we have the right to ask for those services if we can pay for them or not," she said. "And we're asking for the services."
If they can do that to SDT, why can't they do it to Richards and Metro?
That sounds like a reasonable way to do business. I guess someone should go read the contract. According to the paper,Nagin spokesman James Ross said the city "does not conduct business via verbal agreement."
"We have a signed contract with SDT Waste & Debris, which articulates the requirements of both the vendor and the city," he said.
According to the contracts, bulky waste includes "stoves, yard waste, refrigerators, tires, crates, demolition material, washing machines, rugs, furniture, mattresses, and the like." They also state that payment for bulky waste pickup is included in the cost of regular garbage collection: "No separate payment will be made for these services."and The Lawyer Stacy Head,
"The contracts do not require that the contents be containerized in any way. I don't know why we, by ordinance, would limit what the contractors have to collect," said Head, who introduced an ordinance Friday for future consideration by the full council that effectively would reverse the new ordinance.Seems odd that SDT is being asked to do more for less and Richards and Metro are allowed to do less for more.