The list is by no means complete. We find new bloggers all the time. Most of them are relatively new blogs, but occasionally we discover an older blog that has somehow escaped our notice. Like Note from the Book a blog I remember finding a while ago losing and re-finding recently. It contains a detailed first hand account of the flood and diaspora.

Unlike Leonidas and his 300 this 300 have not trained their entire lives to fight in great battles for glory and honor. This 300 is the a list of New Orleans Bloggers. It contains many people who have worked hard to restore their city from the Federal Flood. Some of these bloggers were instrumental in organizing the two Rising Tide Conferences. Others have been involved in many community groups. Many of us have also become friends.
The list long ago passed the Marching 100 of the St. Augustine High School Purple Knights.

I didn't start the list. I'm not exactly sure who did. I do know the Kimberly Marshall, law school graduate, gandma and newly elected member of the District A Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee worked on assembling the core of it. I'm sorry I don't know who else was involved. That was around the time I started this blog and before I got to know the New Orleans bloggers.
Tres Kewl! The Mighty 300.
Maybe we can do another Geek Dinner and invite Stephen Colbert. He could film a section for "Know A Community"- "The Fightin' NOLA Bloggers".
Hell, we out-number his studio audience. Hee, hee, hee.
Maitri originally set it up, I added all the first batch of 100+ blogs (and learned to use a Wiki). The initial idea was to expand Alan's ThinkNOLA wiki. The rest is history. Thanks for keeping up with it so well.
I started blogging about New Orleans (and Loyola) when Michael went as a freshman in the fall of 2004.
After the hurricane and the flood, I remember finding Tim, Editor B and Mark Folse online really fast, like September/October 2005. I remember going back to read Schroeder's posts from the diaspora, in the winter of 2006 and reading Adrastos, Dangerblond, Maitri and Oyster during that time too. It was in July of 06 that Alan organized the first Geek Dinner and RT-I was hastily organized immediately thereafter.
My kids thought I'd lost my mind, driving to New Orleans to meet up with a bunch of "internet people" when I came down for that first Geek Dinner. Michael made me talk on the phone to him all the way "in". I walked into Alan's apartment courtyard with my stupid "covered dish" in my hands and this woman was standing there with a drink in her hand. She called out, "Hi! I'm Dangerblond! Who are you?" The rest is history. The night was amazing, to talk face to face with all these people with whom I'd been talking online. I've missed y'all when I'm away, ever since.
I've always been so grateful to be included in this truly shining group of trail blazers. NOLA bloggers freakin' rock, and you rock, Mominem, for tracking them down and "keeping the list". Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hee! I still love that Sophmom-on-the-cell story. I'm sure the kids thought you were about to be inducted into a cult.
Little did they know (heh, heh).
In all honesty, I'm grateful and humbled to be listed, being as I'm up here in Red (neck) Stick (reminds me of the joke "what's the difference between culture and agriculture?").
Y'all rock!
I like Letters in Bottles. Brad V is a first year law student at Tulane.
Thanks for all of the background.
I have added Letters in Bottles.
Keep'em coming.
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