Sunday, September 03, 2006

Excursion: East Texas

My parents live in East Texas. We usually visit them a few times a year. Since August 29, 2005, we had not be able to visit and they were not able to accommodate us. We decided to make a trip on Memorial Day weekend.

Driving over Saturday morning wasn't too bad, just the same old I-10. One thing I wanted to show Her was the (relatively) new Texas Welcome Station. It's really something.

The whole building is raised on stilts and the rear opens to very nice vistas of the Blue Elbow Swamp wetlands. There is even an elevated walk over the wet lands. We stopped and took a walk around.

Next time you head that way I suggest you stop, take a walk and get a Texas Map and Travel Guide. They're free and well worth the cost.

My parents and I have a somewhat shared experience, hurricane damage. You see they were in the path of Hurricane Rita. Just as I was dealing with my house being flooded they had a pine tree dropped on their house. While we shared the Betsy experience I didn't really get it then but I do now. Luckily, their damage wasn't too bad. They had a some roof damage, a branch poked a hole in their bedroom ceiling.

By Memorial Day it was all fixed and when we got there no damage was evident. The roof had been replaced, the ceiling patched and painted.

We had a nice visit.

Heading back I decided to stop at the Louisiana Welcome Station a pick up a free map and compare travel guides. While She drove I studied the map and noticed a small circle on the map labeled Holly Beach!

More to come ...


Anonymous said...

"They're free and well worth the cost." LOL.

Er, Mominem, I think you meant Labor Day? The TX welcome station looks pretty cool. Glad you had a nice visit.

mominem said...

Unfortunately I did mean Memorial Day.

I'm behind. I have about 60 half finished posts I'm going to get to real soon now.