Sunday, July 23, 2006


I originally started blogging as an impulse, a lark. I thought I might record our story and relieve the boredom of lonely evenings in an eight foot by thirty foot tin box.

My reaction to reader comments came as a surprise. Each day and for each new post I wait eagerly for comments. So far none have been negative or hurtful. I don't know how I will react if someday one is, as it eventually must be.

I now know each comment is a connection with someone else who is interested enough in my subject to respond. It is an interesting feeling, the more or less direct connection to an individual. In my previous work the connection has been far more distant and less sure.


Anonymous said...

I have only been doing this for 6 weeks

Anonymous said...

Darlin' there's no need to worry. Just delete them if they get nasty!

I've been blogging since June of '04 and have not had a nasty comment yet (*sophmom knocks digital wood*)!

Note to Karen: Just six weeks! You sure can't tell by the look of your blog. I suspect you had a very good teacher! ;)