Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Miami Skyline

Driving into Miami on New Years Day I was stunned by the amount of high rise construction under way. I counted more than thirty tower cranes. A conservative estimate of the value of highrise construction in downtown Miami would be five billion dollars.

This is bigger than the LRA Road Home Program. and it's privately financed by people who see value and growth in Miami.

That represents only a portion of the economic expansion going on in Miami right now. For each of those High Rise towers there will be retail space and other things necessary to serve the people living and working in those new structures. The expansion does not seem to be over, block after block of property is being readied for redevelopment.

We were going to attend the Orange Bowl Fan Fest at Margaret Pace Park located on the shore of Biscayne Bay, the park is currently surrounded by construction sites. We decided to pass on the party. We were running late any way.

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